


Saturday, 28 May 2011

Andy Playing Guitar And Singing?

How would you guys like to see Andy performing on his guitar and singing? Or perhaps a sing along with me as well?
   Well, footage of this is already recorded and I'm planning on getting more. If we get enough total upload views and new subscriptions then we will show the footage to you. So, don't just bookmark or watch whenever, subscribe to have YouTube helpfully offer a new episode to you whenever it comes out and show us you like what we're doing.

All the best


Monday, 23 May 2011

For Those Who Liked The Fairy Tales Episode...

If you liked episode 64 'Andy On Fairy Tales' then you are going to see more of that in episode 66. That is the other half of the footage I shot that day where I cover some other fairy tale stories such as Jack and Jill and Little Miss Muffet.

See you there!

What Andy Duz Know - Episode 65 Duz Andy Know?

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A question About Future Shows

One of the fans wrote and asked if I might put an episode together of questions Andy is good at.

Here was my reply:

Well, I have pitched all sorts of ideas at the man. He always tends to let me down on them, if his participation is needed.

At Xmas time I asked him to film some of the day to show us how he spends xmas. He didn't do it. Just like I asked him to film his Ghana trip. I asked if I could film his mother and sister who live in the house with him. They said no. I meet so many obstacles (and believe if you saw those two, you would understand quite a few things about who he is and where he is from).

I might well run some questions some time on his comfort subjects. But it's funny you ask about What Andy Duz Know, because that's the name of the very next episode! 
We will be looking at some of his drawings. This of course turned into something silly as usual towards the end, as you'll see: on the subject of a black woman called 'Diamond'.

If we get enough views of total upload views I am thinking I might release footage of Andy singing AND sort of playing guitar. I might even sing a note or two...


Episode 64 - Andy On Fairy Tales...

Friday, 6 May 2011

New Andy Photo From Outside Episode

We filmed some DAK footage outside again. This time we went to a local (but traffic noisy) park. Here's an image from that footage.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The "You Know" "I Don't Know" Game Upcoming

In the planned upcoming episode 60, we will be asking Andy a viewer submitted question - but during that, we will also be playing a game! We will keep track of how many times he says "I don't know" and "You Know" with our on screen counters!

So, the time is now, to start betting with each other which he will say the most before the episode is done.
Did I have the right answer I hear you ask?
I don't know, you know?